This is a really quick card that I did for a make & take at last Friday's workshop. It is sooo easy!

Stamps: Sweet Shapes and Sincere Salutations
Cardstock: Whisper White, Real Red, Yoyo Yellow
Ink: Basic Black, Real Red, Yoyo Yellow
Accessories: Red Gingham Ribbon
The card is so simple, it is self-explanatory.
I have been tagged by
Tami. You have to go visit her blog! She has some gorgeous creations posted! So for this tag, I'm suppose to tell you 7 things about myself and then tag 7 more people. Hmmmmm, I'm not sure there are 7 interesting things about me, but here goes....
1. I have 2 sisters by birth and another sister by choice. All 3 are the greatest sisters in the whole world!
2. I signed up to be a Stampin' Up! demonstrator the day after I attended my first workshop. When I got my starter kit, I had made a grand total of 2 cards.
3. I use to be an Emergency Medical Technician, but only because it was a requirement to work at the Police Department. I let the license expire as soon as I left the P.D. and have never regretted it. I didn't really like being an EMT.
4. I am a very shy person and have trouble talking to people until I know them really, really well. Some people think I am snobby and have no idea that I'm just scared of them! LOL Now, I have no idea why demonstrating Stampin' Up! products doesn't scare me. Or how I can sing in the trio in front of real people. Hmmmmmmm.
5. I love Mexican food, especially if it is spicy HOT! The hotter the better. Maybe that is because when I was a very little girl, I got in my daddy's pepper patch and set my little mouth on fire! Somebody told my mom to put syrup or honey on my lips to stop the burning and it worked. I don't remember if she used syrup or honey.
6. My son has always been one of my very best friends. Even when he was a little guy, we had some really great conversations. I got him hooked on Queen (the rock band) and he got me hooked on NASCAR.
7. But my very best friend is Jesus Christ. It still amazes me that he died on the cross for me.
I am going to have to edit this tomorrow to tag people. I can't believe it is after 2:00 a.m. and I have to work in the morning and here I sit at the computer.